Bootstrap Studio Releases

We release new versions of our app every few weeks. Excited about what's coming next? Subscribe for our newsletter here.

Version 6.7.2 Jun 11, 2024
  • Fixed a problem with the license activation screen.
Version 6.7.1 Jun 10, 2024
  • Fixed a problem with Windows not showing previews in the AI image generator tab.
  • Resolved a problem with designs not staying pinned on the start screen.
  • Other minor bug fixes.
Version 6.7.0 May 30, 2024
  • The app now supports a custom window titlebar. It integrates the main menu with a new panel control group, giving you a cleaner look and a better use of vertical space. You can switch on the new titlebar from Settings > Interface.
  • The Image Picker supports generating AI images with OpenAI's Dall-E 2 and 3 models.
  • New reports were added to Check for Issues. "Missing CSS Definitions" detects components using CSS classes without corresponding CSS code, indicating a typo or an unused class name that can be removed. The two other new reports check for broken links and broken images in your design.
  • The Settings > SEO panel was improved. It now alerts you if the website title or description are overridden by the active page's properties, making it easier to find where the page title is coming from. It also shows a character counter, and supports creating app-ads.txt files.
  • The start screen supports pinning designs. From this point forward, recent designs that are opened will also display their last open date and bootstrap version used.
  • Field labels now have an "Unstyled" option allowing you to remove all bootstrap-related classes.
  • You can now make all scrollbars in the app wider from Settings > Interface.
  • Inputs components can now be changed to Select from the context menu.
  • Minor enhancements to the import feature to better parse HTML.
  • Collapsed side panels don't hide the toolbar when revealed.
  • The generated theme switcher JS now follows the minification export option.
  • Bootstrap was updated to 5.3.3
  • Google fonts were updated with the latest families.
  • SFTP publishing now correctly handles pages that are hidden from export.
  • HTML id attributes in nested elements are correctly updated when duplicating components.
  • Offcanvas generates correct target attributes.
  • Tabs with the underline type generate correct classes.
  • Minor bug fixes.
Version 6.6.1 Jan 9, 2024
  • Fixed an issue which broke the Browser Preview on macOS in some cases.
  • The Import button in the image picker now works correctly.
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 6.6.0 Jan 2, 2024
  • You can now make your own custom templates. They are shown alongside the built-in ones in the New Design dialog. They are fully local and exist only on the current device.
  • Download high quality free stock images right within Bootstrap Studio. They are accessible from the new Unsplash, Pexels and Pixabay buttons in the image picker.
  • The class name field in the Attributes panel now presents classes as clickable buttons that bring up the option that set them. This makes it easy to track down which setting is responsible for the class.
  • The app can now publish only the changed files to SFTP. Click the dropdown arrow next to the Publish button and select "Publish Changes".
  • The Icon Dialog saw a huge speed boost in this update. It can now display vast icon libraries consisting of thousands of icons in an instant. The icon sets were also updated to include the latest icons.
  • Bugfixes.
Version 6.5.1 Sep 22, 2023
  • The Bootstrap framework was updated to 5.3.2
  • The Google Fonts integration was updated with the latest families.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented classes and ids from being created in the Appearance panel.
Version 6.5.0 Sep 18, 2023
  • AI Assistant is here! Edit your design, generate text and build pages with the power of ChatGPT. Click the new Assistant button in the toolbar and enter your OpenAI API key to use it.
  • A new Computed panel was added to the bottom of the Styles tab. There you can see all rules currently affecting the element and their calculated values.
  • Container query support was added to the CSS editor. When editing a CSS block, click the "Add Container Query" option in the three-dot menu.
  • You can now drag and drop entire folders with mixed file types and they will be imported correctly.
  • A new Image Properties dialog was added to images in the Design panel. Here you can set a default alt attribute which will be used on all instances of the image which don't have an alt of their own.
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 6.4.5 Aug 4, 2023
  • Bootstrap was updated to version 5.3.1
  • The Google Fonts integration was updated with the latest families.
  • Support for Reflow Test Mode was added. You can activate it from Settings > Ecommerce.
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 6.4.4 Jul 6, 2023
  • The Navbar in Bootstrap 5 was updated to use the new background and color classes. The color mode setting is also easily accessible in the options for switching between light and dark versions.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented the "Use CDN for Libraries" export option from working in some cases.
  • The Theme Switcher component now properly handles themes other than dark and light.
  • Fixed a problem which prevented the text editing toolbar from showing on some components.
Version 6.4.3 Jun 20, 2023
  • Fixed a problem introduced in the last release, which broke Optimize Images.
  • Theme Switcher doesn't scroll the page up when switching themes in the browser.
  • Fixed an issue which caused some styles in Custom Code to not work correctly after exporting.
  • The Font setting in the new Theme panel is now a proper font control.
Version 6.4.2 Jun 14, 2023
  • Dark mode is here! You can build and preview websites with dark and light color modes. By default websites are in Light mode, but you can switch them to Dark or to Auto from the Settings dialog.
  • A new "Theme" panel was added to the bottom right, next to the Design panel. You can use it to modify the built-in Bootstrap variables for either Light or Dark mode. To preview the themes in the app, use the new Color Mode switcher in the toolbar, next to the zoom-in/out and canvas size icons.
  • A new Theme Switcher component was added which lets website visitors switch between Dark, Light and Auto modes on the fly. Just drag and drop it to the Navbar or somewhere else on the page and the app will automatically generate the necessary JS.
  • The Icon dialog was improved and now showcases different icon styles for Hero Icons and Font Awesome 5 and 6. Material Icons 4 was also added, with several styles.
  • The SEO section in the Settings dialog was improved. The Google search preview was updated, a new Website Name setting was added and the Webiste URL setting was moved from Export to SEO for consistency. The app will generate structured data JSON in your index.html page to ensure that search engines present your website the way you've configured it.
  • The Use CDN and Download Google Fonts export settings are now respected when publishing.
  • The Breakpoint option in Containers was renamed to Full Width to make it clearer. Navbars now also have the same option for their built-in containers.
  • Various bugfixes and minor improvements.
Version 6.4.1 Apr 20, 2023
  • Fixed a bug which caused an incorrect Bootstrap Toast to show up when a trigger button was pressed.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented context menus of hidden components from showing.
  • Various minor bugfixes and improvements.
Version 6.4.0 Mar 27, 2023
  • Windows and Linux users can now hide the application menu for a cleaner look. Access it from View > Hide Menu. The menu will auto show when you press the Alt key.
  • New components were added to the Ecommerce group - Sign in Button, User Orders and User Settings. With these you can add user accounts to your store.
  • The ability to generate canonical links during export and publish was added. You can find the new option in Settings > SEO.
  • You can now open multiple files in external editors at once from the context menu.
  • Multiple improvements to the importing and parsing of HTML pages were made.
  • The application will now warn you if there are issues with your design when you open it. It will check for excessive file and image size and prompt you to run a Check for Issues scan.
  • Various minor features suggested on the forum.
  • Multiple fixes and performance improvements.
Version 6.3.1 Jan 26, 2023
  • Reduced slowdowns when editing large designs.
  • Multiple bugfixes related to the new release.
Version 6.3.0 Jan 20, 2023
  • You can now import entire websites and templates in the app. Just drag and drop one or more HTML files and choose to scan for assets.
  • A new image optimization tool is available. Right click an image in the Design panel and choose "Optimize". There you can resize, change the file type and compression with real time preview.
  • App notifications can now be muted, and their position on screen can be changed.
  • New audits related to SEO and performance were added to the Check for Issues tool.
  • You can now copy/paste entire attributes in the attribute panel, and copy meta tags between pages.
  • Icons in the Icon Dialog now load much faster.
  • Pages can now be excluded from the Sitemap in the Page Properties dialog.
  • Bootstrap was updated to version 5.2.3
  • An Apple Silicon build is now available. Macs with M series chips will update automatically to it in our next release. If you don't wish to wait, you can get it from our download page straight away.
  • A multitude of bugfixes and minor enhancements.
Version 6.2.1 Nov 8, 2022
  • Fixed a problem with animations not working correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue with Smart Forms not loading in Preview.
  • Minor fixes to the Startup Modern template.
Version 6.2.0 Nov 1, 2022
  • A new Bootstrap 5 template was added, called "Startup Modern". You can find it in the New Design dialog.
  • Custom Code can now be converted back into components. Just right click it and choose Convert to Components.
  • A new Check for Issues tool was added, which scans your designs for common problems. Access it from File > Check for Issues.
  • Scrollspy options were added to the Body and other components, so you can easily construct single page websites with updating navbar links on scroll.
  • The built-in animation libraries now respect the "Use CDN" export option.
  • JavaScript files, fonts and linked assets can now be disabled.
  • Export notifications were improved and now display the active step in the export process.
  • Bootstrap was updated to version 5.2.2
  • Google fonts were updated with the latest families.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect YouTube URLs in the Responsive Embed component.
  • Minor bugfixes and optimizations.
Version 6.1.3 Sep 1, 2022
  • Added type="button" to accordion item buttons to prevent form submissions if accordions are nested inside forms.
  • Added a new Touch setting to the Carousel options, for enabling/disabling swipe interactions.
  • Fixed an issue with Carousel auto cycling.
  • Fixed a problem with Responsive Embed ignoring some URLs.
Version 6.1.2 Aug 30, 2022
  • Bootstrap was updated to version 5.2
  • Reflow Toolkit v2 support was added. It is used in new designs automatically. For existing projects, you can switch to it from Settings > Ecommerce.
  • You can now translate Reflow components to any language by including a language JSON file in your design. Requires Reflow Toolkit v2.
  • Margin/Padding resize mode remains active when resizing the canvas, making it easier to define responsive spacing.
  • Fixed a performance problem which caused slowdowns when editing large designs.
  • Minor bugfixes and enhancements.
Version 6.1.1 Jul 6, 2022
  • Fixed an issue which prevented paragraphs in accordions from being edited.
  • Minor fixes related to the new Margin/Padding resize.
Version 6.1.0 Jul 4, 2022
  • A new Bold & Dark template was added.
  • Clicking the new Resize Margin/Padding icon in the component focus bar lets you resize margins and paddings visually. Supports both CSS properties and Bootstrap m-* and p-* utilities.
  • Hovering over the "Select Parent" icon in the component focus bar shows the two nearest parents for easy selection.
  • A Product Search ecommerce component was added, powered by Reflow.
  • A new Scroll Zoom animation was added for background images. Access it from the Animation tab.
  • The "Always Open" option was added to Accordions, to enable multiple items being open at a time.
  • CSS editing in the Appearance panel was improved. Now it lets you write media queries and intelligently applies :hover, :focus and :active states to the element making it easy to edit complex styling visually.
  • Visual options for editing backdrop filters, positioning and transitions were added to the Appearance panel.
  • You can now resize Image, Icon and Column components by dragging a small handle on the bottom right.
  • Product List now supports custom ordering.
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 6.0.3 Jun 1, 2022
  • Font Awesome 6 was added.
  • Text Editing was improved. You can now set foreground and background colors, sub and sup styling to the selected text.
  • Dropdowns now support the autoClose option and menus have correct placement in navbars.
  • You can now easily select a project image as Poster URL in HTML5 Video.
  • Eliminated slowdowns when editing multiple designs.
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 6.0.2 May 11, 2022
  • Lottie animations are now supported. Just drop the new Lottie component and point it to a JSON file containing the animation.
  • Added a new Order Status ecommerce component for building order pages with live shipping info.
  • Added a new Category List ecommerce component for displaying your Reflow store's categories as a list or a bar.
  • You can now widen the attribute names in the Attribute panel.
  • When defining Custom Options for a component, you can now add Text options in addition to Dropdown and Toggle.
  • Multiple bufixes and minor enhancements.
Version 6.0.1 Apr 12, 2022
  • Reflow components now show helpful messages in Browser Preview if no store has been configured.
  • Fixed a problem which prevented some designs from exporting.
  • Fixed a CSS editing bug which caused the editor to lose focus.
Version 6.0.0 Apr 11, 2022
  • A new template was added, called "Bold & Bright". It consists of multiple pages, parallax effects, customizable widgets and ecommerce integration.
  • The UI components built into the app were modernized and expanded. They adapt to the Bootstrap theme that you use and look great on every screen size.
  • You can now search in all panels in the app. This makes it easy to find files, settings and components.
  • A new Download Google Fonts export setting was added. With it the app can automatically download fonts as local files, improving performance and privacy.
  • A View Cart ecommerce component was added, powered by Reflow.
  • The Style Target dropdown in the Appearance panel was revamped. It can now create and edit class names and ids, making it quicker to style elements.
  • When publishing to SFTP servers, you can now use the Custom Publish option to review which files will be uploaded.
  • The Carousel component has a new option for showing and hiding the control arrows.
  • The Preview settings panel now shows QR codes for quickly connecting with your phone.
  • A multitude of bugfixes and optimizations.
Version 5.9.3 Feb 11, 2022
  • Fixed a bug with Accordion always being expanded.
Version 5.9.2 Feb 9, 2022
  • A new Bootstrap Theme group was added to Appearance in BS5 designs. It lets you easily override Bootstrap's color and font variables for the selected component and its children.
  • A new "Reset Panels" entry was added to the View menu. It lets you quickly reset the app window to its initial state.
  • The Chart component now supports stacked bar charts. Just fill in the Stack ID field in your datasets to group them.
  • Clicking the Create button in the CSS editor now produces better selectors.
  • Browser Preview now serves the correct page when index.html is omitted in the URL.
  • When an image is renamed or moved, references in SCSS files are updated correctly.
  • Sitemaps don't add "index.html" to page URLs if it can be omitted.
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 5.9.1 Jan 18, 2022
  • SFTP connections now have names and can be duplicated.
  • Fixed an issue which prevented some designs from opening.
  • CSS overrides are now detected correctly for blocks with pseudoselectors.
Version 5.9.0 Jan 11, 2022
  • SFTP support is here! You can now configure connections to SFTP servers and publish your site with a single click. From the app menu, click "Cloud > Manage Websites" to configure.
  • The CSS editor was improved. It now supports simulating :hover, :active, :focus and other states and has better detection for CSS variables and overriden properties.
  • Buttons, Tables, Selects and Inputs now have an "unstyled" option which lets you use the basic tag without any Bootstrap classes.
  • A "Nav (HTML)" component was added which gives you the standard nav html element.
  • Pasting from Word and other rich text editors was improved and now results in properly styled text.
  • The Google Fonts integration was updated with the latest families and styles.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the Attributes panel to not show in some cases.
  • The bs-init.js script is now included only when necessary.
Version 5.8.6 Nov 18, 2021
  • The Product List component can now filter products by category, and the mock data setting was simplified.
  • In the Component panel you can now search by group names.
  • The HTML panel Expand/Collapse All remembers its state when switching between designs.
  • Copying and pasting in the Flexbox options group works correctly.
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 5.8.5 Nov 4, 2021
  • Bootstrap 4, 5 and Bootstrap Icons were updated to the latest versions.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the Page Properties dialog from showing.
Version 5.8.4 Nov 3, 2021
  • Ecommerce components are here! You can use the new Product, Product List, Shopping Cart and Add to Cart components to create online stores for free. Just connect your PayPal/Stripe accounts and start selling!
  • Improved search in the CSS editor.
  • You can now hover on images in the CSS editor, and see a preview.
  • CSS comments are now handled correctly when importing stylesheets.
  • A new File > Print menu option was added. With it you can print the active page of the design or convert it to PDF.
  • Small bugfixes and performance improvements.
Version 5.8.3 Aug 24, 2021
  • Fixed issues related to CSS editing when the editor panel is detached.
Version 5.8.2 Aug 19, 2021
  • A new search and replace interface was added to HTML, SASS and JS editors.
  • Components can now be cut and pasted across pages and designs, making it quicker to move components.
  • Bootstrap was updated to version 5.1.0 and a new Stack component was added.
  • Bootstrap Icons were updated to their latest version.
  • The editor panel remembers its state and size across app restarts.
  • CSS cleanup now detects duplicate style blocks and suggests them for removal.
  • Editing designs with a large number of pages and linked components was optimized.
  • Component name and dimensions are now shown when the View > Stage > Show Box Model option is active.
  • You can now set the contents of the viewport meta tag in the settings. This is helpful if you need your website to behave in a specific manner on mobile devices.
  • Fixed a problem which prevented Adobe Illustrator and other apps to be used as external image editors on Windows.
  • Fixes related to the CSS editor, override detection and Styles tab.
  • Various small bugfixes.
Version 5.8.1 Jul 18, 2021
  • Eliminated slowdowns on designs with lots of CSS.
  • Fixed a problem which prevented Row and Column options from showing.
  • The Design panel's "Copy to" menu now works correctly.
Version 5.8.0 Jul 16, 2021
  • Bootstrap Studio now has a light theme! You can activate it from Settings > Interface.
  • New Copy/Paste and Reset buttons were added to all groups of the Settings panel. They let you quickly transfer settings between components. This is especially handy for animations.
  • The CSS editor is now smarter. It detects when rules are overridden by other blocks and lets you navigate to them. The "Styles" tab also takes media queries into account when showing the CSS blocks that affect the selected component.
  • You can now copy and paste multiple components and files simultaneously.
  • A new "Target" group was added to Button and Link components' options. It lets you select Modals, Offcanvas and Toast components which the button/link would trigger when pressed. This eliminates the need to write data attributes manually.
  • You can now set backups to never be deleted in Settings > Backups, and you can trigger backups on demand with Ctrl+Shift+B (Cmd+Shift+B on macOS).
  • When exporting, smart-forms.js and chart.js are added only to pages which need them.
  • Bootstrap and Google Fonts were updated to their latest versions.
  • The usual dose of bugfixes.
Version 5.7.1 Jun 16, 2021
  • Fixed a problem which prevented designs with imported HTML pages from working correctly.
Version 5.7.0 Jun 15, 2021
  • Custom Options are here! You can define custom toggle and dropdown options on components that set class names or attributes. This way you can make your own powerful and reusable components.
  • The Online tab now lets you filter by Bootstrap framework.
  • Smart Forms now support redirects on successful submission and can have their text changed / translated.
  • The design panel shows icon badges next to hidden/excluded pages and resources to give a better indication of their status.
  • Head Content can now be placed Before or After the system content.
  • Charts now have options for changing the text style and color of the Title and Legend.
  • You can drop an image from the Design panel ontop of an existing image on the page to change its source.
  • Custom Code editors opened from other pages now show the page name in the tab.
  • A new Font Style control with Bold, Italic, Underline and Strike buttons was added to the Appearance tab.
  • Minor bug fixes.
Version 5.6.4 May 17, 2021
  • Updated Bootstrap 5 to version 5.0.1.
  • Resolved a problem which prevented Add to Library from working.
  • Fixed incorrect CDN URLs for Bootstrap 5.
Version 5.6.3 May 14, 2021
  • Bootstrap 5 was updated to 5.0 final, and made the default version for new designs. BS3 and BS4 will always be available as an option.
  • Scroll animations can now be disabled on mobile devices with a new setting in the Animations tab.
  • Clicking the blank space in the bottom of a CSS editor no longer creates a new block.
  • "Copy as HTML" produces cleaner code.
  • Editing images in external editors is more performant.
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 5.6.2 Apr 15, 2021
  • You can now edit images in external editors. Just double click an image in the design panel to open it in Photoshop, Gimp, Paint or others, edit it, and save it. The app will reimport it automatically.
  • Inline links received support for setting the target attribute.
  • You can now copy components from designs in one Bootstrap framework, and paste them in designs in newer frameworks. The components will be converted automatically.
  • PWA manifests got support for masked images. This is switched on from a new option in the Settings > PWA dialog.
  • Border options in the Appearance panel now show all possible border styles.
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 5.6.1 Mar 27, 2021
  • Eliminated slowdowns in large designs.
  • Fixed an issue which caused incorrect URLs to be set on linked JS files when exporting.
Version 5.6.0 Mar 26, 2021
  • Comments are here! You can now add a comment to every component of your design. This is a great way to write docs and notes, and leave feedback. Just right click and choose "Add Comment".
  • A new Transform group was added to the Appearance panel, which lets you apply 3D CSS transformations on components.
  • You can now create MJS and JSON files in the JavaScript group.
  • There is a new "Extra Whitespace" option in View > Stage, which adds space to the bottom of your page while designing. This can make it easier to drag and drop components.
  • A new Minify HTML export option was added.
  • Bootstrap 5 was updated to Beta 3, alongside a new Offcanvas component and fixes to Accordion and Blockquote.
  • You can now add SCSS and MJS files to user components.
  • jQuery 3.6.0 was added.
  • Google Fonts were updated to include the latest families.
  • Lazy loading was added to maps.
  • When cleaning up CSS, you can now choose to disable styles.
  • Lots of bugfixes.
Version 5.5.4 Mar 4, 2021
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to lost user packages and favorites after updating the app.
  • Fixed a bug which caused values to be reset in the Appearance panel while typing.
Version 5.5.3 Feb 23, 2021
  • Fixed an issue which caused the Carousel to cycle too quickly.
  • Restored missing stylized option for the Bootstrap 4 Select component.
  • The Navbar open/close buttons now work correctly when Expanded is set to Never.
Version 5.5.2 Feb 16, 2021
  • Bootstrap 5 (Beta 2) is here! Create new designs in Bootstrap 5, or convert existing Bootstrap 4 designs to it.
  • A new "Language" option was added to the Settings dialog. It lets you set a language for your design which is automatically added to all pages as html lang attributes.
  • A new "Website URL" option was added to the export settings screen. It replaces the old Sitemap Domain setting, and is used when generating your sitemap and Twitter/Facebook meta tags.
  • Bootstrap 4 was updated to version 4.6.0.
  • You can now search for pages in the "Copy to Multiple.." dialog.
  • URLs starting with /assets/img now work correctly in the browser preview.
  • Fixed a bug which showed Suggested components as disabled.
  • Minor bugfixes and tweaks.
Version 5.5.1 Dec 16, 2020
  • Fixed incorrect sorting of Favorite components.
  • Context menus are again shown on the User and Downloaded group.
  • External editor support for Jetbrains IDEs and Emacs was improved.
  • Gradients and backgrounds now support CSS variables.
  • SVG Icons can now have their viewBox changed.
  • Bootstrap themes are now renamed when imported, if there are name collisions.
Version 5.5.0 Dec 7, 2020
  • You can now mark components as Favorites. They will be shown in a new group near the top of the Studio tab. Just right click a component and choose "Add to Favorites".
  • You can now see the theme's defined CSS variables beneath color fields in the Appearance panel. Color variables are also shown in the CSS editor and the color picker.
  • You can now Preview online components. Just hover over the component screenshot and click Preview. A new design will be created and the component will be inserted, without having to download it first.
  • Bootstrap was updated to 4.5.3.
  • The Google Fonts definitions were updated.
  • A File > Open Containing Folder menu was added.
  • The animate on scroll library was updated. Scroll animations now run on mobile devices.
  • You can now import images from your clipboard by pasting.
  • You can now copy and link components by holding Ctrl and Ctrl+Shift (Cmd and Cmd+Shift on mac) before dragging the component.
  • Custom font weights are imported properly
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 5.4.3 Oct 30, 2020
  • Resolved a problem which prevented some designs from being opened.
  • The export of designs with SVG icons now works correctly.
Version 5.4.2 Oct 28, 2020
  • SVG Icons are here! In addition to icon fonts, you can now choose icons from a number of popular SVG sets like the official Bootstrap Icons.
  • A new Custom Export dialog was added, which lets you search, select and filter only the files that you wish to export.
  • You can now mark pages and folders in the Design panel as "hidden". This will prevent them from exporting/publishing.
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 5.4.1 Oct 7, 2020
  • A new Expand/Contract entry is added to context menus throughout the application, which lets you quickly show and hide elements and their children.
  • Fixed a problem which caused slowdowns when a large number of components are selected.
  • Fixed a few bugs related to editing CSS and element attributes in the detached editor panel.
  • Resolved an issue with missing changes when editing large files in external editors.
Version 5.4.0 Sep 30, 2020
  • You can now select multiple components (Shift/Cmd/Ctrl + Click) and modify their common options, attributes and class names simultaneously.
  • The list of CSS suggestions also shows partial matches.
  • You can now change the font size of the JS/SCSS editor. Just click the 3 dot menu on the right.
  • A new "Show in File" option was added to the menu of CSS blocks in the Style tab. Clicking it will switch over and scroll to the location of the block in your css file.
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 5.3.1 Sep 7, 2020
  • Fixed an issue with empty css files not being clickable when opened for editing.
  • Sitemaps are no longer being generated if only individual pages are exported.
  • Fixed a problem with the color picker not working in some cases.
Version 5.3.0 Sep 2, 2020
  • Multi window is here! You can now detach the editor panel into a separate window, making better use of your screen real estate.
  • Support for robots.txt and ads.txt files was added.
  • Improved undo/redo - the app now shows you what's changed, and gives you menus next to the undo/redo buttons for jumping backwards/forwards in history.
  • Bootstrap was updated to 4.5.2
  • Minor enhancements and bugfixes.
Version 5.2.1 Jul 17, 2020
  • The "Add" command in the palette now supports sibling elements - "add span+i".
  • Fixed an issue with the application being unable to render some SVG files.
  • Fixed a bug which led the Filters group in the Appearance panel to be cut off.
Version 5.2.0 Jul 15, 2020
  • New visual controls for borders, background gradients and box shadows were added to the Appearance tab.
  • Spell checking support was introduced. Windows and Linux users can select and download dictionaries, and on macOS the system spell checker is used.
  • The Image dialog was updated. It now shows folders and loads faster.
  • Bug fixes and minor improvements.
Version 5.1.1 May 22, 2020
  • Bootstrap was updated to 4.5.0
  • Google Fonts can now be limited to specific pages. Just right click the font in the Design panel and choose "Visibility..".
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 5.1.0 May 13, 2020
  • Bootstrap Studio now has a Command Palette! Press Ctrl+P (Cmd+P) and access commands, create files, switch between pages and insert components with an emmet-like syntax.
  • Include CSS and JS files only on specific pages. Just right click the css/js file and choose Visibility.
  • The HTML5 Picture element was added as a component.
  • Component Copy and Paste options were organized in a convenient menu.
  • The color picker now understands hex alpha colors.
  • Table cells can be forced to th with a new sidebar option.
  • Lots of bugfixes.
Version 5.0.3 Feb 28, 2020
  • A new "Find in Design Panel" option was added to Image context menus.
  • "On" event attributes can now be added in the attributes panel.
  • Fixed a bug which caused the Preview to load slowly for some designs.
  • Auto suggestions for CSS class names now show up correctly.
  • Addressed a problem with incorrect carousel slides being displayed in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue with the Page Properties dialog being inaccessible in some designs.
Version 5.0.2 Feb 14, 2020
  • Restored missing ionicons.
  • Selections now work correctly in the class name and attribute fields.
  • Resolved an issue which prevented the app from running on some Linux distros.
Version 5.0.1 Feb 13, 2020
  • Fixed a bug which prevented SASS from compiling on Windows.
  • Resolved an issue which caused import/browse dialogs to not open in some cases.
  • Text navigation shortcuts for moving to the start/end of words work correctly.
  • CSS is now selectable.
Version 5.0.0 Feb 12, 2020
  • You can now edit JS, CSS, SASS and Custom Code in external editors like Visual Studio, Sublime Text and more. Just right click and choose "Open In".
  • You can convert between paragraphs and headings, divs and sections and more with the new "Change to" option.
  • A new Fit to Canvas option was added to give more real estate to your work area.
  • You can now Show/Hide components from the page helping you iterate on your designs.
  • The start screen was redesigned. You can see many more designs at once and search through them.
  • Added Sub & Sup components.
  • Bootstrap was updated to 4.4.1 and support for row-cols was added.
  • The SASS compiler is now built in and always available, obviating the need for a separate helper utility.
  • The update system was reworked, and you can choose whether to update automatically or postpone updates from Settings.
  • The icon fonts in the app were updated to the latest available versions.
  • The Bootstrap Theme dropdown in Settings now shows a visual preview.
  • Support for Webp images was added.
  • Duplicating elements now generates unique IDs.
  • Bugfixes and other small improvements.
Version 4.5.8 Nov 18, 2019
  • A new CSS cleanup tool was added. Right click the Styles group in the Design panel to scan your project for unused CSS blocks.
  • You can now add Bootstrap tooltips to any component from the Options panel.
  • Improved application focus behavior. You can now navigate the application window with the keyboard and use shortcuts to Edit/Duplicate/Delete almost anything that is selectable.
  • Support for SRI and crossorigin attributes was added for linked CSS/JS files.
  • Bugfixes and small improvements that were suggested on the forum.
Version 4.5.7 Sep 23, 2019
  • Fixed a bug which prevented the Image Dialog from showing newly imported images.
  • Fixed an issue with broken Navbar dropdowns.
Version 4.5.6 Sep 20, 2019
  • Fixed a bug with missing Google Fonts when publishing to Bootstrap Studio Sites.
Version 4.5.5 Sep 20, 2019
  • Fixed a bug which caused some designs to fail to export.
Version 4.5.4 Sep 20, 2019
  • Custom fonts are here! Right click the Fonts group and choose "Import Webfont".
  • Custom device sizes are now supported. You can enter custom device dimensions and they will be saved as a preset in the Devices dropdown menu.
  • A "Cleanup.." option was added to the Design Panel > Images group. Clicking it reveals all unused images in your design with the ability to remove them.
  • You can now choose to export only the active page, or selected pages in the Design panel by right clicking them.
  • Pasting was improved. You can now paste components before/after others, paste text while matching formatting and paste from word documents.
  • CSS files can be toggled on/off.
  • Alt+Enter splits the currently edited element into two.
  • The color picker can now be dragged around the window.
  • A lazy load setting was added to images.
  • Multiple bugfixes.
Version 4.5.3 Jul 20, 2019
  • Fixed a bug which prevented some designs from being exported.
Version 4.5.2 Jul 19, 2019
  • Image and page references are automatically rewritten when you rename or move images and pages.
  • New social components were added for integrating Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in your designs.
  • You can now import files by dragging them directly into folders.
  • A menu was added to blocks, letting you extract all CSS rules to a new block.
  • The Video component can now play Facebook videos.
  • The Add to Library dialog was improved.
  • jQuery was updated to 3.4.1.
  • Multiple bugfixes and minor improvements.
Version 4.5.1 Jun 20, 2019
  • A new admin template was added. It consists of multiple pages and beautiful widgets, which you can combine into unique admin panels.
  • A new Audio component was added.
  • You can now move files and user components into folders by dragging them.
  • Multiple bugfixes.
Version 4.5.0 May 22, 2019
  • Charts are here! You can create responsive Bar, Line, Pie, Scatter and other types of charts, and easily customize them.
  • You can now optimize images during import. This can reduce their file size dramatically and improve page load times.
  • The image browser dialog opens faster, shows larger previews, file sizes and dimensions.
  • Bugfixes and minor improvements.
Version 4.4.9 Apr 19, 2019
  • Options in the sidebar indicate when they've been changed, making it easier to see your modifications at a glance.
  • Middle click option labels to reset them to their default values.
  • Small bufixes.
Version 4.4.8 Apr 11, 2019
  • Improved double click handling in the Overview panel. Components are now shown when needed, Carousel slides and Accordion items are switched and more.
  • Fixed a bug that broke the "Skip unused images" export option.
Version 4.4.7 Apr 10, 2019
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some designs from being opened.
Version 4.4.6 Apr 10, 2019
  • Body now supports flex options, making it easier to create minimal landing pages.
  • When exporting, image paths are replaced in any attribute, not just src and srcset.
  • Fixed a number of bugs, including an issue with missing Dropdown menu links.
Version 4.4.5 Apr 9, 2019
  • A number of components including the Navbar and Nav were unlocked, giving you the power to create entirely custom navigation bars.
  • The attributes panel was rewritten. It is now easier to navigate, add and edit attributes.
  • The Find and Replace dialog can now search in user and system attributes.
  • The usual dose of bug fixes and minor improvements.
Version 4.4.4 Feb 25, 2019
  • You can now middle click on components in the Overview panel to change their labels.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Collapse components from working in some cases.
  • Fixed incorrect Bootstrap version in the New Design dialog.
Version 4.4.3 Feb 22, 2019
  • A new powerful Find and Replace dialog was added. With it you can search across your entire design and intelligently replace only the relevant text, class names and attributes.
  • The HTML search functionality was improved with support for same-case search and regular expressions.
  • Bootstrap and Font Awesome were updated to their latest releases.
  • Lots of bugfixes.
Version 4.4.2 Jan 24, 2019
  • New Toast and Spinner components were added.
  • The custom BS4 form control styles are now supported for Selects, Checkboxes, Radios and more. Just enable the "Stylized" switch in the Options panel.
  • Bugfixes.
Version 4.4.1 Jan 21, 2019
  • When editing text, you can now press Shift+Space to insert a non-breaking space.
  • Fixed a bug which caused Comment components to be wrapped in columns.
  • Fixed a visual issue with Pagination items.
  • Fixed a Smart Forms bug which prevented certain forms from being submitted.
Version 4.4.0 Jan 19, 2019
  • You can now define favicons, create sitemaps, Twitter and Facebook cards, Progressive Web App manifests and more, from the new Settings > SEO panel.
  • A new Comment component was added. Drag and drop it into your design, and double click it to edit.
  • Commenting support was added to the CSS editor.
  • The Bootstrap framework was updated to 4.2.1 and 3.4.0 respectively.
  • The Google Fonts integration was updated with the latest font families.
  • Multiple bugfixes.
Version 4.3.7 Nov 23, 2018
  • Automatic backups are here! Your designs are backed in the background, minimizing the chance of lost work. You can control the behavior in Settings > Backups.
  • Labels can now be exported as Start/End comments.
  • Copying multiple files between designs is now supported.
  • UX Improvements: better drag indicator, click to collapse sidebars, export notification.
  • Bug fixes.
Version 4.3.6 Nov 9, 2018
  • Improved design of the Color Picker.
  • Bugfixes related to CSS editing and keyframe animations.
Version 4.3.5 Nov 7, 2018
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect nav-link class in dropdowns.
  • Fixed a bug with custom themes failing to import.
  • Fixed an issue with text editing components which have a :first-letter selector applied.
Version 4.3.4 Nov 5, 2018
  • Fixed a bug that caused the first characters of linked components to be overwritten by the last.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented SVG elements in Custom Code to be selected.
  • Fixed a visual issue that caused underscores in file and component names to be cut off.
Version 4.3.3 Nov 4, 2018
  • New button and slider controls were added to the Settings sidebar, making it easier to change properties.
  • A new CSS Filters group was added to the Look & Feel tab.
  • You can now double click components in the Overview panel, enable/disable CSS blocks and see component names when hovering.
  • Smart Forms was improved with an increased recipient limit and ability to change the email subject.
  • Bugfixes and performance optimizations.
Version 4.3.2 Sep 19, 2018
  • Smart Forms are here! Select a form, flick a switch in the Options panel and receive submissions in your email inbox automatically. No code needed!
  • The Bootstrap framework was updated to version 4.1.3
  • Lots of bugfixes and small improvements.
Version 4.3.1 Aug 2, 2018
  • 10 new beautiful Bootstrap 4 templates. See them in the New Design dialog.
  • A Device Menu is displayed when clicking the Stage dimensions, allowing you to quickly resize your page to match popular devices.
  • The Stage has been rewritten to support vertical resizing, position:fixed and vh units.
  • Bugfixes.
Version 4.3.0 Jul 1, 2018
  • Bootstrap Studio Sites is here! We've turned our old website publishing feature into a powerful hosting platform with HTTPS, custom domains and more. All for free!
  • Added new Export options for skipping unused images, adding cache busting parameters and using absolute asset paths.
  • UI Scaling has been improved with finer-grained controls and new shortcuts.
  • Multiple bugfixes.
Version 4.2.2 Jun 11, 2018
  • The Preview dialog now correctly detects when ports are in use and has improved styling.
  • Fixed missing Ionicons icons.
  • Fixed height of fields in the attributes panel and other small bugfixes.
Version 4.2.1 Jun 7, 2018
  • New and improved Settings Dialog. It is split into Design and Application settings.
  • You can now scale the UI of the program from the View menu.
  • New Icon Fonts were added - Font Awesome 5 and Line Awesome.
  • Improved Preview that makes it easier to launch your browser, set a preview port and toggle the preview status.
  • Bugfixes.
Version 4.2.0 May 23, 2018
  • Updated app UI. You can now collapse the side panels and resize the Stage to custom dimensions by dragging.
  • The Bootstrap framework was uptdated to 4.1.1.
  • Lots of bugfixes.
Version 4.1.7 Apr 25, 2018
  • Bootstrap was updated to 4.1.0. This brings new helper utilities, Dropdown text items, Carousel fade transitions and more.
  • Fixed a number of memory issues that could cause the app to slow down after prolonged use.
  • Bug fixes and minor improvements.
Version 4.1.6 Apr 10, 2018
  • Fixed a number of bugs related to the new template functionality, like incorrect CDN URLs, inability to open some designs and more.
Version 4.1.5 Apr 5, 2018
  • Bootstrap 4 templates are here! Each template comes with multiple pages and widgets which you can combine into unique layouts.
  • Small UI improvements.
  • Multiple bug fixes.
Version 4.1.4 Mar 7, 2018
  • Enhanced SASS support. Now you can import SCSS files and convert CSS to SCSS by right clicking.
  • A new animation type was added - "Load". These animations are automatically triggered on page load.
  • Numerous bug fixes.
Version 4.1.3 Mar 6, 2018
  • You can now write SCSS in Bootstrap Studio. All advanced features like mixins, partials and inheritance are supported, making you more productive.
  • A number of CSS editing improvements and small bugfixes.
Version 4.1.2 Feb 8, 2018
  • A new option was added to BS4 Navbars. It's called "Smart Active State" and marks the current page's menu item as active automatically.
  • Added the HTML Main element.
  • Bootstrap 4 accordions now work correctly.
  • Several small bugfixes.
Version 4.1.1 Feb 6, 2018
  • Fixed a number of bugs introduced in the 4.1.0 release, including inability to open designs with forms and incorrect custom code rendering.
Version 4.1.0 Feb 6, 2018
  • Bootstrap 4.0 final is now supported and is set as default. You also have a number of themes to choose from.
  • Auto suggestions for user and Bootstrap 4 class names.
  • Rewritten and improved text editing. It is faster, supports undo/redo, Asian glyphs, and you can insert new lines with Shift+Enter.
  • Faster performance when opening designs, switching pages, previewing and exporting.
  • Bugfixes and other small improvements.
Version 4.0.4 Dec 13, 2017
  • New editor settings menu added (wrap text, switch between tabs/spaces, change tab size).
  • A new menu was added to the toolbar, for controlling grid visibility and display of margins/paddings when hovering.
  • Context menu keyboard navigation.
  • Google fonts were updated with the latest font families and styles.
  • Multiple bugfixes.
Version 4.0.3 Nov 13, 2017
  • Bootstrap 4 Navbars were improved. The conversion from BS3 works better, and navbars are now collapsed on SM and smaller by default.
  • Fixed a number of issues related to Linked components.
  • Several important bugfixes including inability to copy bootstrap css blocks, unselectable components and failure to open some designs.
Version 4.0.2 Nov 10, 2017
  • Multi-selection with mass actions is now supported in the CSS editor. Press Ctrl/Cmd/Shift and click a block to activate.
  • Improved conversion from BS 3 to BS 4.
  • Fixed a number of issues, including missing fonts when exporting, incorrect CDN URL for the Bootstrap 4 bundle.js and more.
Version 4.0.1 Nov 3, 2017
  • Added Navbar alignment options for Bootstrap 4.
  • Minor improvements to Context menus and Color Picker.
  • Fixed a number of issues introduced in the 4.0 release, like invisible selection in the code editor, links not accepting components and dropdowns not working.
Version 4.0.0 Nov 1, 2017
  • Bootstrap 4 support is here! You can create designs in either BS 3 or 4. You can upgrade designs that you've made in 3 to 4 automatically.
  • Support for new CSS features - CSS Grid, Filters, Position Sticky, Blend Modes and more.
  • Improved performance.
  • Bug fixes and other small improvements.
Version 2.7.1 Sep 6, 2017
  • Multi selection is now supported in the Overview Panel and Stage. Hold Ctrl/Cmd or Shift when clicking, to select one or more components. You can move, duplicate, delete and copy the entire selection at once.
  • Two new icon fonts are now available - Typicons and Simple Line Icons.
  • Hovering over a CSS block now highlights all of its matching elements in the page.
  • Fixed an issue which caused the URLs of some Google Fonts to be incorrect.
Version 2.7.0 Aug 11, 2017
  • Multiple selections in the Design and Components panels are now supported. Use Shift/Ctrl/Cmd + Click to select.
  • Exporting multiple user components at once is now supported from the parent folder's context menu.
  • Externally linked CSS and JS can be refreshed (and new changes detected) by right clicking and choosing "Refresh".
  • You can now quickly open the Component Label dialog by pressing Ctrl/Cmd+L when a component is selected.
Version 2.6.4 Jun 26, 2017
  • You can now vote on and comment on shared components. This will make it easier to find high quality components for your designs.
  • Added a User Profile dialog. When you click a user name, you can see the person's shared components.
  • Bugfixes.
Version 2.6.3 May 10, 2017
  • The preview text in the Font dialog can now be edited.
  • When setting the HREF of a link in the sidebar and Link dialog, you can quickly fill the URL of a page or image.
  • Significantly improved performance for Downloaded and User components.
  • Bugfixes.
Version 2.6.2 Apr 24, 2017
  • Added a new Google Font dialog with previews, instant search and filtering for font families.
  • Newly imported images will now show file sizes as well as dimensions when hovered in the Design Panel.
  • Minor bugfixes and improvements.
Version 2.6.1 Apr 4, 2017
  • Added a "Move To" option for CSS blocks.
  • The Preview is now paused if the browser is minimized or the tab is not visible.
  • Improved number input in the sidebar. You can now increment/decrement with arrow keys and cancel changes by right clicking while dragging.
  • Multiple bugfixes and improvements.
Version 2.6.0 Mar 29, 2017
  • Powerful new visual CSS editing UI. You can customize layout, background and font properties without writing code.
  • Reorganized the Options panel into tabs - Look and Feel, Options and Animation.
  • Improved design of the application interface and dialogs.
  • Various performance improvements and bugfixes.
Version 2.5.4 Feb 10, 2017
  • Full page paths are now shown in the Page Selection dropdown and in the Page Properties dialog.
  • Fixed a bug that was introduced in the previous release, which broke most scroll animations.
  • Fixed a bug that caused designs that contain invalid HTML attributes to fail to open.
Version 2.5.3 Feb 8, 2017
  • You can now create parallax background animations. This is done from the Animation group in the Options panel, and choosing the "parallax-bg" type.
  • A new block was added - Parallax Background. It is a pre-built component with a parallax background image animation.
  • If an image you are importing already exists in your library, you can choose to replace it or to keep both.
  • Searching in the CSS was improved. Now results are highlighted and scrolled into view, instead of filtered.
  • Various bugfixes.
Version 2.5.2 Jan 18, 2017
  • Added "Copy To" > "Multiple" dialog, which makes it easy to copy a component to a number of pages at once.
  • You can now add custom HTML to the <head> of pages. It is done from the Settings and Page Properties dialogs.
  • The active page is now highlighted in the Design Panel.
  • Improved focus behavior when a component is deleted. Focus goes to a sibling instead of the parent.
  • Bugfixes and minor enhancements.
Version 2.5.1 Jan 5, 2017
  • Components can now be animated from the new Animation section in the Options panel. You can choose from a number of eye-catching scroll and hover animations.
  • CSS animations are now paused by default, making it easier to design animated pages. You can click the "Play" button in the CSS editor to start them.
  • Improved performance of the Preview when a large number of browsers are connected.
  • Minor bugfixes.
Version 2.5.0 Dec 22, 2016
  • You can now publish your designs as websites on Bootstrap Studio servers with a single click. This makes it easier to collaborate, test and show your work to the world.
  • Updated Font Awesome version.
  • Interface tweaks and bugfixes.
Version 2.4.5 Nov 22, 2016
  • Added @keyframes support to the CSS editor.
  • Added a "Copy Path" option to the files in the Design panel.
  • Export settings are retained when a design is saved with "Save As".
  • Improvements to the way CSS blocks are created in the Styles tab.
  • Bugfixes.
Version 2.4.4 Oct 24, 2016
  • Added folding support to the code editors, which makes editing JavaScript and Custom Code easier.
  • The srcset attribute is now supported on images.
  • Changed the behavior of Ctrl/Cmd+S in code editors. Now the combo saves the entire project.
  • Fixed a bug which included a wrong Bootstrap stylesheet when exporting with the CDN option.
Version 2.4.3 Oct 12, 2016
  • New Settings dialog, which combines the old Theme and Export Options dialogs.
  • Support for design-level meta tags, which are added to all pages. It's accessible from the "Meta Tags" tab in the Settings dialog.
  • You can now configure which jQuery version your design uses.
  • Bugfixes.
Version 2.4.2 Oct 5, 2016
  • New export dialog which remembers export paths and supports minification, CDN, and export scripts.
  • Updated versions of jQuery and icon fonts.
  • Bugfixes and other small improvements.
Version 2.4.1 Sep 14, 2016
  • Selecting and copying styles in the CSS editor now gives you valid code. With this, you can copy and paste between CSS files easily.
  • Added inverse style support for the Navigation components.
  • Renamed Row and Column components to be more logical.
  • Fixed bugs with the Downloaded component group not showing correct menu entries.
Version 2.4.0 Sep 13, 2016
  • Added 40 beautiful built-in components to the library. We will add even more in the future.
  • You can now edit the "style" attribute of elements from the Style tab.
  • You can now Label components. Labels appear in the Overview panel.
  • Improved performance of the app when Preview is running.
  • Improved component tooltips. More text is shown and links are clickable.
  • Bugfixes and other minor improvements.
Version 2.3.7 Aug 9, 2016
  • Select All now works on OSX.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some link URLs to be broken in the preview.
Version 2.3.6 Aug 8, 2016
  • Copy/Paste attributes in the HTML panel.
  • Updated Bootstrap to version 3.3.7.
  • Quick Bootstrap theme switching.
  • Improved tutorials.
  • Lots of bugfixes.
Version 2.3.5 Jul 7, 2016
  • The panel sizes are now persisted when you restart the app.
  • Improved filtering in the CSS editor.
  • Fixed CSS copy/paste, larger scrollbars and other small fixes and improvements.
Version 2.3.4 Jun 20, 2016
  • Fixed a bug which prevented some designs from being opened.
Version 2.3.3 Jun 20, 2016
  • ID attributes are now shown in the overview panel to make it easier to locate the right component.
  • Links and Table Cells can now accept many different types of child components.
  • Carousel slides now have an option for hiding the image and can accept any type of content.
  • Ctrl + Click now triggers context menus in OS X.
  • Bug fixes.
Version 2.3.2 Jun 16, 2016
  • You can now create folders in the Design panel. They are preserved when previewing and exporting.
  • Dialog for controlling the order in which JavaScript and CSS files are included in your pages.
  • Bug fixes.
Version 2.3.1 May 31, 2016
  • New dialog for resizing and cropping component screenshots.
  • Fixed a bug which caused component screenshots to not show in some cases.
Version 2.3.0 May 26, 2016
  • You can now share components online and install shared components with one click, from the "Online" tab in the Components panel. Components that you've shared are synced to all your devices.
  • User components now have screenshots and you can organize them into folders.
  • All built-in components have helpful tooltips.
  • Improved toolbars.
  • Bug fixes.
Version 2.2.4 Apr 11, 2016
  • You can now add Meta Tags to pages from the Page Properties dialog.
  • Added searching to the HTML panel. You can quickly find elements by CSS selector, text content or attribute.
  • Added filtering to the CSS editor for quickly locating CSS blocks and rules.
  • Added Video component, with support for YouTube, Vimeo and HTML5.
  • Bug fixes.
Version 2.2.3 Mar 25, 2016
  • New components: Map (powered by Google Maps), Accordion, Collapse, Bold, Italic, Fieldset and Legend.
  • Improved toolbars.
  • Bug fixes.
Version 2.2.2 Mar 18, 2016
  • Improved opening and saving of large bsdesign files containing lots of photos.
  • Bug fixes and improvements.
Version 2.2.1 Mar 14, 2016
  • New components - Modal and Tabs.
  • Added toolbars with quick actions to Table, Carousel, Nav, Dropdown, List Group and more.
  • Added tutorial for Writing HTML.
  • Rewritten Dropdown and Split Button components.
  • Bug fixes
Version 2.2.0 Mar 3, 2016
  • New Custom Code component for writing HTML. Drag and drop it from your library and double click it.
  • Convert any component to HTML and edit it. The option is available in the right click menu.
  • Import HTML pages.
  • Ionicons and Material Design Icons added.
  • Small enhancements and bug fixes.
Version 2.1.3 Feb 22, 2016
  • Custom components can now contain JavaScript and entire CSS files. Improved dialog for creating them.
  • Manage Devices dialog. You can now control your licenses centrally. Available in the Help/Bootstrap Studio menu.
  • Reorganized application menu to make things easier to find.
  • Updated tutorials.
  • Bug fixes.
Version 2.1.2 Feb 16, 2016
  • Improved Linked Components to work better across pages.
  • Fixed a bug with JavaScript files and Fonts missing in Preview.
  • Fixed issues with custom themes.
Version 2.1.1 Feb 15, 2016
  • Fixed a bug with Google fonts import not working.
Version 2.1.0 Feb 15, 2016
  • Added Linked Components which are kept in sync and updated together.
  • You can now link to external libraries from a CDN.
  • You can reorder JS and CSS files to control the order in which they are included in the page.
  • Better notifications, improved preview and a lot more!
Version 2.0.2 Jan 27, 2016
  • Improved the context menus in the HTML tab.
  • Performance optimization when working with multiple designs.
  • Fixed a bug which made the editors unresponsive to user input.
Version 2.0.1 Jan 26, 2016
  • Improved JavaScript Editing.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented CSS blocks from being copied to other stylesheets.
  • A few other small fixes.
Version 2.0.0 Jan 22, 2016
  • Designs can now have multiple pages which share your styles. This makes it easier to create entire websites.
  • JavaScript editing with live-reload in Preview.
  • Designs can have multiple CSS files.
  • Powerful new Copy/Paste functionality for components, pages and assets.
  • Improved interface and bugfixes.
Version 1.2.1 Dec 22, 2015
  • New assets panel.
  • Improved importing of Google Webfonts.
  • Preparations for Bootstrap Studio 2.
  • Fixed a couple of interface bugs.
Version 1.2.0 Dec 3, 2015
  • Powerful new attribute editing. You can now add any attribute to elements.
  • Small improvements of the Color Picker.
  • Fixed a bug with Navbar not working correctly on iOS devices.
  • Fixed a bug in HelpTextBlock and StaticControl which broke some designs.
Version 1.1.1 Nov 20, 2015
  • Added a color picker which detects the used colors in your design and supports marking colors as favorite.
  • Hover over images in the Assets panel to see a preview.
  • Improved incrementing/decrementing of values with the arrow keys when editing CSS.
Version 1.1.0 Nov 13, 2015
  • Added a "Character Input" dialog. With it, you can enter frequently used unicode symbols, as well as input Japanese, Chinese, Korean and other languages which use IME. Open it by clicking the "Char Input" button when editing text.
  • The NavBar Toggle is now a component that can be edited.
  • Various performance improvements and bugfixes.
Version 1.0.12 Nov 5, 2015
  • Added "Extra Small" size to Button Group.
  • Improved CSS editing. Changes are visualized while being made and it is easier to do point-and-click editing without losing your progress.
  • Fixed a bug with Form Static Control not matching form group styles.
Version 1.0.11 Oct 30, 2015
  • Design > Export option was added to the menu.
  • Fixed a bug which permitted locked components to be deleted in some cases.
  • Fixed a bug which blocked IDs from being cleared.
  • Fixed a bug that cut out the context menu of the last CSS block.
Version 1.0.10 Oct 27, 2015
  • Open multiple designs and import multiple components at the same time.
  • Middle click on the tabs to close designs.
  • Fixed a bug with css background images not being shown in the preview.
  • Fixed a couple of ui bugs.
Version 1.0.9 Oct 24, 2015
  • Added Bootstrap's Carousel component.
  • Double click to change icons and images.
  • Tweaks to the "What's new" dialog. Can now be opened from the help menu.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented designs with the Pager component from being opened.
  • Fixed a bug which caused elements with vw and vh to grow the stage.
Version 1.0.8 Oct 21, 2015
  • You can now import entire CSS stylesheets by pasting the code in a CSS selector.
  • "An update is available" notification was added.
  • Small interface tweaks.
  • Fixed a bug that dropped user packages after the first run.
Version 1.0.7 Oct 20, 2015
  • Fixed OSX Copy/Paste Bug